Non-selective Physiological Regulator

CAREFUL Non-selective

Product Overview
  • Product Name : Careful (Non-selective Physiological Regulator)
  • Packaging Specifications : 500 ml/bottle, 30 bottles/box,48 boxes/pallet
  • Raw Materials : Bi-cyclooctane, Bi-cycloheptane, Eugenol,Saponins, Fatty acids
  • Product Registration : National Agricultural Products QualityManagement Service (Organic FarmingMaterial for Disease andPest Control Notification No. 2-6-072)
Features and Benefits
  • Exceptionally effective in weed management during the cultivationof fruit trees (apples, pears, grapes, peaches, etc.) and forest products(chestnuts, persimmons, pine nuts, jujubes, etc.)- No floral differentiation disorders, pollination disorders, ormalformed fruits, which are common with chemical herbicides.
  • Assists in managing weeds in rice paddies and barren fields withoutcausing hormonal disturbances in crops.
  • Aids in the complete removal of hard-to-control weeds (goosegrass,spurge, kudzu vine, ragweed, wild mustard, bamboo, dandelion,etc.).
  • Particularly, ragweed and wild mustard (with fine hairs) areresistant to chemical herbicides, but Careful (Non-selectivePhysiological Regulator) has shown to effectively removethem in tests.
Usage Instructions
  • Applicable Crops : From post weed germination up to the 4-leafstage (6~10cm) or less, for over 10cm,mix with a penetration promoter.
  • Timing of Use : From after sowing until before crop germination(typically within 4~6 days), after crop germination,“Careful (granules) must be used.”
  • Dosage : 200~400 times dilution
  • Application Method : Foliar Application of Fertilizer