Antifungal and Insecticidal Bulking Agent


Product Overview
  1. Product Name : TopKingRoot
  2. Packaging Specifications : 300 ml/bottle, 30 bottles/box,64 boxes/pallet
  3. Raw Materials : Bi-cyclooctane, Bi-cycloheptane, Eugenol,Saponins, Fatty acids, Amino acids
  4. Product Registration : National Agricultural Products QualityManagement Service (Organic FarmingMaterial Notification No. 2-2-299)
Features and Benefits
  • Contains amino acids essential for root crops.
  • Natural physiological regulators assist in the transition fromvegetative growth to reproductive growth.
  • Promotes root initiation, root bulking, and enhances storage life.
  • Harvesting seedlings (onions, green onions, etc.)- In cases where frequent rain makes it difficult to secure goodseed roots, it helps in harvesting high-quality seed roots.
Usage Instructions
  1. Applicable Crops : All crops requiring bulking of tuberous roots - Carrots, radishes, ginger, potatoes, sweet potatoes,kohlrabi, beets, etc.
  2. Timing of Use : 20 to 25 days of before harvest, during thegrowth period
  3. Dosage : 1,000 times diluted solution x 1~2 times
  4. Application Method : Foliar Application of Fertilizer
Before & After